Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Why INVEST? We believe a donation, recurring gift, or partnership with Shepherd’s Inn is an investment in the lives and well-being of ministers and missionaries. It’s a way for you to tangibly be a part of this life-giving ministry,
and the return on that investment is immeasurable.

You might not be here physically, but through your prayers and generosity you are providing a respite, a retreat, a chance to refocus, a place to come up for air, and a safe environment to talk, be encouraged, and begin healing if need be.

Jesus was intentional about retreat (pulling away from the busyness of life and ministry to rest and to pray). We believe this is important for everyone, and especially for those called to care for others.

Join us in serving these servants because Healthy Ministers and Missionaries = Healthier Families, Churches, and Communities!


Checks can be mailed to:
Shepherd’s Inn
371 Boonshill Petersburg Road
Petersburg, TN 37144

Give online below:


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Click on the images below to explore other ways to express generosity and give the gift of rest, renewal, and care.


Shepherd's Inn is a (501)(c)(3) non-profit organization EIN# 83-2585476.
Your gift is tax-deductible, and no goods or services were provided for your donation.